Every business needs help getting their operations in order. Below you will find services that I offer to help get your business moving in the right direction. If there is something else you want to discuss, that is not listed, feel free to reach out to discuss further.

Premium Content Writing

Grow your online presence effortlessly with our content writing packages. Whether you’re seeking to boost SEO, engage your audience with meticulously researched content, or optimize your digital footprint with strategic keywords, these packages solve these challenges and ensure your message resonates, therefore driving measurable growth.

Once your website is optimized and user friendly, you need to ensure you convey the message that you are an expert in your field. When people find you in online searches or through social media, you want to provide useful information that will help them with what they are looking for. Then they will remember you and purchase your services now or later. They may even share your name with others.

These packages are available for all business professionals including lawyers. Let me do the work you don’t have the time to do, so you can focus on income producing activities.

Starter Content Power Package

Starting at: $557

Perfect for businesses seeking to boost their local SEO and start building a presence online.

Package includes:

Two 700 – 1000 word blogs crafted with researched keywords, secondary keywords, FAQs, title and meta description. SEO optimized to start building traffic.

Monthly Content Power Package

Starting at: $1097

Elevate your marketing strategy with consistent content to showcase your knowledge.

Package includes:

Four 700 – 1000 word blogs tailored for SEO optimization, complete with keyword research, secondary keywords, FAQs, title and meta descriptions. Ideal for consistent growth plans.

Elite Content Power Package

Starting at: $1497

Package includes:

Keyword Essentials Package


Do you want to do your own writing, or you have someone that writes for you? This package is perfect when you don’t know about SEO.

Package includes:

20 researched SEO-optimized keywords, including secondary keywords and questions for article enhancement. Receive an optimization checklist, so you know where to place your keywords, to ensure your content achieves maximum visibility and impact online.

Financial Controls

Are your books not organized? Or maybe you get to tax time and realize you didn’t plan your money well, or organize your papers for your accountant?

Imagine having a streamlined, efficient system in place that takes the burden of financial and bookkeeping tasks off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Cash Clarity Package

Starting at: $597

This is designed to take the hassle out of your bookkeeping and financial organization and get your messy books in order. We’ll work with you to clean up your finances, set up a profitable plan and establish efficient systems that streamline your financial processes.

Our goal is to provide you with a clear financial picture, so you can make informed decisions and focus on what you do best—running your business. Say goodbye to financial chaos and hello to a more organized, stress-free approach to managing your finances.

Custom Coaching & Implementing Services

Your business may require other services not listed here. Our goal is to help you solve your problems so you can scale your business and implement efficient workflows that will help your business grow.