Streamline Success: Coaching Tips to Manage Stress

Coaching Tips to Manage Stress

Feeling overwhelmed and perpetually stressed? As a solo lawyer or business owner, you not only face the internal battle of managing stress but also grapple with the external pressure of having to do everything yourself. This constant juggling act leaves little room for growth. This article will delve into coaching tips to manage stress and start you on the path to get back your life.

Recognizing these challenges, I’ve teamed up with Jennifer Keable, a Success & Well-Being Strategist, to offer the first steps to managing stress. Jennifer specializes in equipping individuals and teams with the tools to thrive both at work and at home, aiming to create a life where success and well-being coexist seamlessly. Below Jennifer will share her story and her stress management coaching tools.

Our collaborative efforts focus on eliminating tasks that drain your energy, transforming your daily routine and mindset. First let’s get start taking the first steps to figuring out how to reclaim your time to focus on what truly matters— YOU. Growing your business will come when your mindset starts to adjust to success.

stress management

Jennifer’s Story

I was a complete and utter mess!

I was screaming, crying uncontrollably, banging the steering wheel, pulling at my hair, rocking back and forth while lost in utter confusion. 

At work though, I was that reliable, accountable, high achieving, driven employee that had the job title, the responsibility and the pay cheque that most of my friends and business associates dreamed of. I would walk in the office and plaster that corporate smile on my face, I’d happily say “yes I can take on that project” when inside I struggled to figure out how I could take on any more.

Anyone outside my home saw me as that energetic, happy, put together, professional leader, wife, mother, home owner, daughter, sister….

On paper I had it all. I checked off all the boxes of success.

How then could I possibly have everything I had ever wanted and yet be the least happy I’d ever been?

Inside I was falling apart, resentful to my colleagues and manager who continually added even more projects to my already never ending list, resentful to my loving children and supportive husband who just craved a little bit of quality time with me.

Despite my young age, I had created more professional and financial success than I thought I ever would, yet I was the least happy I had ever been. 

I began to recognize how stressed and worn out I was and yet I truly believed I had no time to do anything about it, no time to prioritize me….

After hitting rock bottom, letting my stress go unmanaged and ignoring self care for far too long, I was run over by what felt like a semi, I was physically and mentally depleted, feeling like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t go on…. After all, you can only ignore your well-being for so long before it will bite you in the butt, and it bit me hard! 

Join me, Jennifer Keable, burnout survivor turned Stress Management & Well-Being strategist as I share my top tips to managing stress and moving beyond the depth of unmanaged stress causes. I am deeply passionate about resilience and well-being, partnering with individuals and business teams to cultivate thriving lives both at home and in the workplace. With a background in psychology and firsthand experience overcoming crippling burnout twice, I bring a unique perspective and profound understanding to my practice.

I could go on for some time talking about the depth of pain I experienced during this time, but I know that’s not what you need. So then what is it that you need? Since I’m not sitting beside you to hear your answer out loud, I’m going to go ahead and make a few assumptions, and if I’m completely wrong go ahead and let me know where I went wrong by email at [email protected].

Jennifer Keable

Tips To Manage Stress

I’ve compiled three tips and tools to manage stress and break free from unfulfilling busyness effectively. You don’t have to choose between your professional success, your well-being and your happiness.

Start by getting honest with yourself and answer the question below.

How long do you see yourself being able to carry on with the current level of stress?

a. I’m uncertain, but I’m genuinely worried about how much longer I can manage.
b. 3 -6 months
c. 6 – 12 months
d. I see no end, I feel great!

Did you answer a, b or c? If you answered either a or b, you can’t afford to miss the next 2 steps. 

Now that you have got more clear with how much longer you can carry on in your current patterns, grab a piece of paper and answer this question:

If I were to redefine success in a way that allowed me to thrive both personally and professionally, how would I define it?

Great! Now that success includes all the parts of you that allow you to not just survive, but thrive. It’s time to dive into step #3.

In order to live a life in alignment with your new definition of success, what will you need to start doing? What will you need to stop? What will serve you to continue doing?

This free chart can start you off by writing down what things fall into each category. Writing it out makes it more real and a promise to yourself. This will then create actionable steps to get you 1 step closer to your desired state, which surely includes feeling less stress, being physically and mentally healthier and perhaps even prioritize happiness.

I know it’s really easy to just cruise through this article and think you will come back to it another time. I know it’s scary to confront those deeper issues, but I also know how painful it is to stay in a place of complete miserable exhaustion, feeling like you have no option, but to continue down this same miserable path.I know how busy life is, so if you truly don’t have 10 – 15 minutes that you can do this right now than enter the dedicated time in your calendar. After all, what we dont schedule doesn’t happen.

Free Resources

And if you want even more resources to help you through this stressful time, I’m here for you. I invite you to access my array of free resources to help you get started.

You deserve to experience a life that feels fulfilling and meaningful, without sacrificing your well-being in the process.

If you or your employee team are curious about how I can support you, you can learn more on my website or reach out to me via email. I love connecting! If this is not for you, that’s okay too, perhaps sharing it with a valued colleague or friend will be the best gift they ever receive.

I’m here rooting for your personal and professional success, every step of the way! 

Sending you all my love and support, now and always.

work life balance

Final Thoughts

As you embark on your journey to better manage stress, remember that small, consistent changes can make a significant impact on your overall well-being. Incorporating these coaching tips to manage stress can help you cultivate a more balanced life. A special thank you to Jennifer Keable for sharing these first few steps to start planning how to manage stress and get your life and business moving the way you want it to. With commitment and the right strategies, you’ll be well on your way to a stress-free life.

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